Devarishi Patel -Annoying...thats the word that comes to my mind when I think of him on MTV Roadies…initially I found him cute ( I must have been out of my mind) and was a bit pissed with Pradeep for kicking him…I thought that the poor, innocent chap was being bullied…and then the Nauman vote out happened and I realized that he’s far from being innocent. He knows what’s happening and is smart enough to play the game of ‘trust’ very well. I just pity the people who trusted him…
As the episodes flew, my disdain for Devarsihi Patel just grew…I always thought that Raghu was an intelligent chap who knew what he was doing while selecting the contestants…This time I was not so sure…This young roady is really, really irritating. Half the time he has no idea about what he’s talking, he tries his best to dominate, and his optimistic talks really gets you in the wrong place. Now I must confess that may be what Pradeep did was wrong but the devil in me is now ready to defend him. MTV roadies 6 Hell Down Under, is a snake pit and the fittest wins…But please at least the contestants have a class…I am glad that this stupid chap was kicked out, that too with serious loathing…Devarishi, puhlease get a life dude… there’s more to this world than fools like you talking in a weird accent and being ‘lucky’ enough to land up on such a popular reality show… glad your ‘kicked’ out…Guess you weren’t fit to survive after all..