All of us are in love with our mobiles, but not me, cos what i feel for my mobile borders between obsession and infatuation. It’s my solace for the 3 hours that I spend commuting from my home at Navi Mumbai to my office at Goregaon. As of now I own a Nokia N73, and no matter how many iPhone’s and the likes flood the market, there’s none that’s as good as my baby. It has a 3.15 MP camera, an MP3 player and above all a speaker phone that ensures that I enjoy my music, even when the head phones are not stuffed in my ears.That doesnt mean I play my music loud esp.in trains, cos I personally dislike such rude behaviour of slapping music on other harassed commuters irrespective of the fact that they may like it or not.This feature is enjoyed the most at home,when I am preparing my self for office. I am using a 2GB card that’s sufficient enough for my data needs, in fact more than sufficient as I have stored all my ‘top’ favorites and still there's space for more. This phone has also addicted me to clicking away and then uploading those photographs on my PC, my very own collection. The FM is a downer in the trains, as there is no signal;of course, at that point i switch on my MP3. All in all, I think more that the comfort of keeping me connected, my mobile ensures that I get to play DJ even in the hustle and bustle of Mumbai locals. I love it:)
hey babes,,
can u pass me the much awaited no. of ur precious n73....il be delighted..hehe
vikram jaitly
u have the number...use it well;)
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